As a non-profit organization, Inspire Carolina & Lynk Robotics rely on the generosity of our business partners and community members in order to be able to provide this incredible opportunity to the students on our team, and to complete outreach events in our community.
Here's how you can easily make a donation
Checks can be made out to either "Inspire Carolina, Inc." or to "Lynk Robotics". If you would like to direct your giving to a particular program, please note that on the memo of your check, or in an accompanying letter. We take care to honor the generosity of our supporters by respecting their wishes regarding the use of any donated funds. We would also be happy to follow up with you to share about the impact that your gift has.
If you would like to donate to support our activities, you may mail a check to: 5523 US 64 74A Hwy, Lake Lure, NC 28746.
For tax and verification purposes, please note that our IRS EIN is 93-2958472.
Current Needs
The Lynk Robotics Team Mobile Pit/Workshop
For those who would like to partner with us towards a specific goal, our current big need is to establish a mobile workshop with all the necessary tools for robot development and maintenance, organized and packaged in a way that we can both work from it on a regular basis and take it to events. Below's a document describing this in more detail.
2024 CRESCENDO presented by Haas
You could also sponsor our FIRST Robotics Competition events that we'll be attending, which involves costs for registration, travel, lodging, etc. Currently, we plan to compete in:
March 1-3 in Blacksburg, VA
March 15-18 in Asheville, NC
March 22-24 in Charlotte, NC
Additional competition dates we'll attend, if we're able to qualify:
April 5-7 North Carolina State Championship
April 17-20 World Championship in Houston, TX
Please contact us if you would like to discuss full or partial sponsorship of events.
In-Kind Services and Items
In no particular order, below is a list of in-kind services and items that we've identified as top priority:
Tools for our machining lab
Robot materials
Outreach materials (printing, etc.)
Manufacturing assistance
Accounting services
Legal services
Please contact us if you would like to make an in-kind donation.
We'd be delighted to partner with you!